De mythe in objectief gerationaliseerde cultuursystemen: de samoeraigenrefilm in het naoorlogse Japan (1945-1970). (Lars Bové)


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1. Theoretische uiteenzetting: De mythe in objectief gerationaliseerde cultuursystemen


ACTES DE COLLOQUE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE CENTRE AIXOIS DE RECHERCHES ANGLAISES. Le mythe du héros. Aix-en-Provence, Université de Provence, 1982, 236 p.


ALLEAU (R.). La science des symboles. Contribution à l’étude des principes te des méthodes de la symbolique générale. Parijs, Payot, 1989, 290 p.


ALTIZER (T.J.J.), BEARDSLEE (W.A.) & YOUNG (J.H.) (Eds.). Truth, myth and symbol. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1962, 170 p.


ATLAN (H.). A tort et à raison : intercritique de la science et du mythe. Parijs, Du Seuil, 1986, 443 p.


BURKE (K.D.). On symbols and society. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1989, 332 p.


CAMPBELL (J.), MOYERS (B.D.) & HILLE (F.). Mythen en bewustzijn: de kracht van de mythologische verbeelding. De Haan, Houten, 1990, 256 p.


CARO (P.). La roue des sciences. Du savant à la société, les itinéraires à la connaissance. Parijs, Albin-Michel,1993, 236 p.


CARSE (J.P.). Finite and infinite games. New York, Free Press, 1986, 152 p.


COLLOQUE DE CERISY. Le mythe et le mythique.Parijs, Albin-Michel, 1987, 224 p.


COOK (A.). Myth and language. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1980, 332 p.


COULOUBARITSIS (L.). Aux origines de la philosophie européenne. Brussel, De Boeck Université, 1992, 673 p.


COUPE (L.). Myth. Londen, Routledge, 1997, 219 p.


CUNNINGHAM (A) (Ed.). The theory of myth, six studies. Londen, Sheed and Ward, 1973, 176 p.


DAY (M.S.). The many meanings of myth. New York, University Press of America, 1984, 564 p.


DE MEIJER (P.), DETIENNE (M.), JANZ (R.-P.) & BAKX (H.W.) (Eds.). De mythe. Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 1983, 208 p.


DECROSSE (A.) (Ed.). L’esprit de société: vers une antropologie sociale de sens. Luik, Mardaga, 1993, 326 p.


DILLISTONE (F.W.), TILLICH (P.) & MIRCEA (E.). Myth and symbol. Londen, SPCK, 1970, 112 p.


DRUMMOND (L.). American dreamtime: a cultural analysis of popular movies and their implications for a science of humanity. Boston, Littlefield Adams Books, 1996, 336 p.


DUNDES (A.) (Ed.). Sacred narrative. Readings in the theory of myth. Californië, University of California Press, 1984, 352 p.


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DURAND (G.). Les structures anthropologiques de l’imaginaire. Introduction à l’archétypologie générale. Parijs, Dunod, 1992, 536 p.


ECO (U.) & WEAVER (W.). Travels in hyperreality. Londen, Pan, 1987, 307 p.


ELIADE (M.). Aspects du mythe. Cher, Gallimard, 1963, 247 p.


FERRELL (W.K.). Literature and film as modern mythology. Connecticut, Praeger, 2000, 216 p.


GEERTZ (C.). Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology. New York, Basic Books, 1983, 244 p.


GIDDENS (A.). The constitution of society. Cambridge, Polity Press, 1984, 402 p.


GILLIS (J.R.). A world of their own making. Myth, ritual and the quest for family values. Harvard, Harvard University Press, 1996, 310 p.


GOULD (E.). Mythical intentions in modern literature. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1981, 279 p.


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JARVIE (I.C.). Towards a sociology of the cinema: a comparative essay on the structure and functioning of a major entertainment industry. Londen, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970, XIX, 394 p.


JENKINS (A.) & LEVI-STRAUSS (C.). The social theory of Claude Lévi-Strauss. Londen, Macmillan, 1979, 193 p.


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KENNETH (A.). The meaning of culture: moving the postmodern critique forward. Connecticut, Praeger, 1998, 192 p.


KIRK (G.S.). Myth, its meaning and function in ancient and other cultures. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971, 299 p.


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LEONARD (D.). Myth and symbol according to Joseph Campbell: an evaluation. Rome, Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana, 1997, 149 p.


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LINCOLN (B.). Discourse and the construction of society. Comparative studies of myth, ritual, and classification. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989, 238 p.


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LISZKA (J.J.). The semiotic of myth, a critical study of the symbol. Indianapolis, India University Press, 1989, 253 p.


LONG (B.). The origins of man and the universe: the myth came to live. Londen, Routledge and Kegan, 1984, 300 p.


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MALINOWSKY (B.). Sex, culture and myth. Londen, Hart-Davis, 1963, 346 p.


MARANDA (P.) (Ed.). Mythology. Baltimore, Penguin Books, 1972, 320 p.


MILLER (T.) & STAN (R.) (Eds.). A companion to film theory. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, 1999, 428 p.


MURRAY (H.A.). Myth and mythmaking. Boston, Beacon, 1968, 375 p.


OLIEN (M.D.). The human myth. An introduction to anthropology. New York, Harper & Row. Publishers, 1978, 568 p.


PATTON (L.L.) & DONIGER (W.) (Eds.). Myth & Method. Londen, University Press of Virginia, 1996, 416 p.


PAVESE (C.). Littérature et société. Suivi de Le mythe. Parijs, Gallimard, 1999, 233 p.


RICOEUR (P.) & DE VISSCHER (J.). Het kwaad: een uitdaging aan de filosofie en aan de theologie. Kampen, Kok Agora, 1992, 112 p.


RUTHVEN (K.K.). Myth. Londen, Methuen & Co, 1976, 104 p.


SAPER (C.J.). Artificial mythologies. A guide to cultural invention. Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press, 1997, 194 p.


SCHATZ (T.G.). Hollywood film genre as ritual: a theoretical and methodological inquiry. Iowa, University of Iowa, 1976, 322 p.


SCHATZ (T.). Hollywood genres: formulas, filmmaking and the studio system. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1981, 297 p.


SCHUURMAN (C.J.) & Al. Mythe en realiteit: een cyclus voordrachten gehouden voor de Bilthovense Kring voor Wijsbegeerte en Psychologie. Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 1963, 110 p.


SEGAL (R.A.) (Ed.). The myth and ritual theory: an anthology. Oxford, Blackwell, 1998, 473 p.


SIGANOS (A.). Mythe et écriture. La nostalgie de l’archaïque. Parijs, Presses Universitaires de France, 1999, 238 p.


SIRONNEAU (J.-P.), BONARDEL (F.) & SANSONETTI (P.-G.). Le retour du mythe. Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1980, 125 p.


THOMAS (S.). Film and culture: explorations of cinema in its social context. New Jersey, Scarecrow Metuchen, 1982, 275 p.


TINKCOM (M.) & VILLAREJO (A.) (Eds.). Keyframes. Popular cinema and cultural studies. Londen, Routledge, 2001, 398 p.


TROUSSON (P.). Le recours de la science au mythe : pour une nouvelle rationalité. Parijs, Harmattan, 1995, 277 p.


TURNER (G.). Film as social practice. Londen, Routledge, 1988, 188 p.


VALENTI (F.M.). More than a movie. Ethics in entertainment. Colorado, Westview Press, 2000, 272 p.


VANSINA (F.D.). Ancient symbols and modern myths: philosophy of religion. Leuven, Acco, 1986, 132 p.


VERNANT (J.-P.). Mythe et société en Grèce ancienne. Parijs, Découverte, 1988, 250 p.


WINKLER (M.M.). Classical myth and culture in the cinema. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, 350 p.


WRIGHT (W.). Six guns and society. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1975, 217 p.



2. Empirisch onderzoek: De samoeraigenrefilm in het naoorlogse Japan (1945-1970)


APTER (D.E.) & NAGAYO (S.). Against the state: politics and social protest in Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1984, 271 p.


ASQUITH (P.J.) & KALLAND (A.). Japanese images of nature. Richmond, Curzon, 1997, 290 p.


BEN-ARI (E.), MOERAN (B.) & VALENTINE (J.) (Eds.). Unwrapping Japan: society and culture in anthropological perspective. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1990, 237 p.


BEASLEY (W.G.). The rise of modern Japan. Londen, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1990, 306 p.


BEASLEY (W.G.). The Japanese experience. Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1999, 299 p.


BOCK (A.). Japanese film directors. Tokyo, Kodansha International, 1978, 370 p.


BOSCARO (A.), GATTI (F.) & RAVERI (M.) (Eds.). Rethinking Japan. Social sciences, ideology and thought. Kent, Japan Library, 1990, 400 p.


BURCH (N.) & VAN DEN BOGAARD (A.). Bomen van ijzer, bloemen van goud: vorm en betekenis in de Japanse cinema. Bussum, Unieboek, 1983, 309 p.


CONROY (H.) & WRAY (H.) (Eds.). Japan examined: perspectives on modern Japanese history. Honlulu, University of Hawaii, 1984, 411 p.


COURDY (J.-C.). Les Japonais. La vie de tous les jours dans l’empire du soleil levant. Parijs, Belfond, 1979, 392 p.


CRUMP (T.). The death of an emperor: Japan at the crossroads. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 250 p.


DESSER (D.). The samurai films of Akira Kurosawa. Ann Arbor, UMI Research Press, 1983, 164 p.


DETHIER (H.). Akira Kurosawa: dossier. Brussel, VUB, 1981, m.p.


EISENSTADT (S.N.). The Japanese civilization. A comparative view. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1996, 581 p.


FULLER (R.). Hirohito’s samurai Londen, Arms and Amos Press, 1991, 319 p.


GALBRAITH (S.). The Japanese filmography. A complete reference to 209 filmmakers and the over 1250 films released in the US, 1900 through 1994. Jefferson, McFarland, 1996, 509 p.


GIFFARD (S.). Japan among the powers, 1890-1990. Londen, Yale University Press, 1994, 218 p.


GORDON (A.) (Ed.). Post-war Japan as history. Los Angeles, university of California Press, 1993, 496 p.


GOVAERS (H.) (Ed.). Hommage à Masaki Kobayashi. Parijs, La Cinémathèque française, m.p.


HENSHALL (K.G.). A history of Japan. From stone age to super power. Londen, Macmillan Press, 1999, 242 p.


HICKS (G.). Japans hidden apartheid. The Korean minority and the Japanese. Sidney, Ashgate, 1998, 175 p.


KASZA (G.J.). The state and the mass media in Japan, 1918-1945. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988, 335 p.


KAWABATA (K.). De binnenzijde van Japan. Amsterdam, Balans, 1987, 166 p.


KAWAMURA (N.). Sociology and society of Japan. New York, Kegan Paul International, 1994, 229 p.


KOSCHMANN (J.V.). Revolution and subjectivity in post-war Japan. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1996, 293 p.


LEBRA (T.S.) & LEBRA (W.P.) (Eds.). Japanese culture and behaviour. Selected readings. Honolulu, university of Hawaii Press, 1986, 428 p.


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LOVEDAY (L.). Explorations in Japanese sociolinguistics. Philadelphia, J. Benjamins Publishing Company, 1986, 153 p.


MASAKAZU (Y.). Individualism and the Japanese. An alternative approach to cultural comparison. Japan, Echo, 1994, 175 p.


MCDONALD (K.I.). Cinema East: a critical study of major Japanese films. Londen, Associated University Press, 1983, 279 p.


MELLEN (J.). The waves at Genji’s door. Japan through its cinema. New York, Pantheon Books, 1976, 463 p.


MELLEN (J.). & RICHIE (D.). The films of Akira Kurosawa. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1996, 271 p.


MITSUYUKI (M.). The modern samurai society. Duty and dependence in contemporary Japan. New York, Amacom, 1982, 226 p.


NAKANE (C.). Human relations in Japan. Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affaires, 1972, 86 p.


NAKANE (C.). Japanese society. California, University of California Press, 1970, 157 p.


NIOGRET (H.). Akira Kurosawa. Parijs, Rivages, 1995, 212 p.


NISH (I.) & TAKEDA (K.). The dual image of the Japanese emperor. Londen, Macmillan, 1988, 183 p.


NITOBE (I.). Bushido, the soul of Japan. An exposition of Japanese thought. Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1907, 177 p.


NOLLETTI (A.) & DESSER (D.) (Eds.). Reframing Japanese cinema. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1992, 365 p.


OKIMOTO (D.I.) & ROHLEN (T.P.). Inside the Japanese system: readings on contemporary society and political economy. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1988, 286 p.


PRICE (S.). The Warrior’s camera: the cinema of Akira Kurosawa. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1991, 344 p.


REES (L.) Verschrikkingen in het Verre oosten. Japanse wreedheden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Roeselare, Roularta Books, 2002, 176 p.


RICHIE (D.). Japanese cinema. An introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990, 102 p.


ROBINS-MOWRY (D.). The hidden sun. Women of modern Japan. Colorado, Westview Press, 1983, 394 p.


SILVER (A.). The samurai film. Londen, The Tativy Press, 1977, 242 p.


SPORRY (T.B.). De geschiedenis van Japan. Amsterdam, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1986, 170 p.


STORRY (R.). The way of the samurai. Londen, Orbis Publishing, 1978, 128 p.


SUGIMOTO (Y.). Constructs for understanding Japan. Londen, Kegan Paul, 1989, 396 p.


THOMAS (J.E.). Modern Japan. A social history since 1868. Londen, Longman, 1996, 340 p.


TOTMAN (C.). A history of Japan. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, 2000, 620 p.


TSUNETOMO (Y.). Hagakure. Tokyo, Kodansha International, 2000, 180 p.


TSURUMI (K.). Social change and the individual: Japan before and after. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1970, 441 p.


UPHAM (F.K.). Law and social change in post war Japan. Cambridge, Harvard University, 1987, 269 p.


VAN WOLFEREN (K.G.). Japan: de onzichtbare drijfveren van een wereldmacht. Leuven, Kritak, 1989, 614 p.


VARLEY (H.P.). Japanese culture. A short History. New York, Praeger Publishers, 1973, 227 p.


WAKABAYASHI (B.T.) (Ed.). Modern Japanese thought. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 403 p.


WASWO (A.). Modern Japanese society. 1868-1994. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996, 179 p.


WATANABE (S.). The peasant soul of Japan. Londen, MacMillan, 1989, 403 p.


YOSHIMOTO (M.). Kurosawa. Film studies and the Japanese cinema. Durham, Duke University Press, 2000, 485 p.


YOSHINO (K.). Cultural nationalism in contemporary Japan: A sociological enquiry. Londen, Routledge, 1992, 270 p.


YUZAN (D.). The code of the samurai. Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1941, 108 p.


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